The Twentieth Cup // 20 things to be grateful in 2018

The end of the year is near. Another year has passed and there are a lot of things to be grateful. Here are my 20:

1. I am still loved and protected by His grace
2. I am still healthy with no serious sickness
3. I have been given a loving family despite our differences
4. I have been given a perfect man by my side – a supportive man that wants me to always grow and be a better version of myself everyday
5. His grace over my relationship, a lot to learn from each other but we're gifted with a forgiving heart
6. I am not jobless
7. I have been trusted to serve Him in His church
8. I had a chance to travel with my man
9. I had a chance to visit several new countries
10. I have a partner whom also loves coffee and wants to do coffeeshop-hopping with me. Been trying a lot of new coffeeshop this year
11. I and he have found our home
12. I have true friends around
13. I found a great community to be involved in
14. I learnt a few things about sales – tried to sell few things online
15. I met a lot of people in 2018 – some I can learn something from, gave a few insights
16. My online community that I started years ago has grown well this year
17. I can finish reading a few books, gain new knowledge from them
18. I had a chance to stroll New York (sorry I was watching too much Gossip Girl during college)
19. I got the watch that I realllllyyyy want
20. God's grace never stops, not even for a second in my life.

Cheers to 2019! Happy New Year!
