The Thirty Fifth Cup // Marriage–contract or covenant?

When we ask Google to define marriage, it says that marriage is the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship. To the world, marriage is a formality between two people under the law. We all know, people love to break the law. 

Nowadays, people prefer not to get married for various reasons. The top 3 reasons are marriage is hard, complex and they are happy on their own. Yes, I agree that marriage is hard. It contains two individuals with their own ideas, character, ego, desire, pride, etc. and these two individuals need to combine their voices to form a wonderful marriage. So yes I will say it's hard. But..

When we ask God to define marriage, God teaches us that marriage is the covenant between two people, so it's neither a contract under the law nor ceremonial event only. Covenant has a deeper connection, the Bible describes covenant is like a relationship between God and His people. In our relationship with God, there are love, grace, mercy, commitment and joy. That's what God wants Christian marriage to be.

I would say that marriage is fun in its own way. When we marry someone, we marry someone with the same vision, love doing certain things together, and most importantly he/she is the suitable helper for us that can help one another to answer God's calling. By then, they become one for life! 

Someone named Francis Chan said, "Marriage is one of the most humbling, sanctifying journeys you will ever be part of. It forces us to wrestle with our selfishness and pride. But, it also gives us a platform to display love and commitment."

After all, everything in life is not easy because God wants us to always depend on Him.
