The Thirty Fourth Cup // Insecurities in This Digital Age
"Hey, can we go to this place? Because all of my friends are going there!" #FOMOalert
The world we know it has been changing. With the digital age and everything is out in the open, we face a new world. What we did when we were kids is different with what kids do now. I remember playing outside a lot when I was a kid. Personal contact with friends, talking face to face without gadget on our hand.
But young people nowadays have been using gadgets a lot, everything's done through their gadgets. Not that it's a bad thing, on the plus side they're more tech savvy earlier than I am. It becomes a bad thing when it has negative impact for their well being. The terms Fear Of Missing Out a.k.a FOMO is becoming more popular. People get carried away with what socities do or have. I, for one, sometimes want to go somewhere just because everyone's going there too. FOMO is still okay if we put a limit to it. FOMO can be dangerous when we think "we have to, otherwise...".
Human nature is to have some pride which it's also human's first and eldest sin. Remember when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden and the devil offered them to be like God? They were tempted and fell into sin because they wanted to be like God. With the openness and easy access to everything, young people are seeing other people's life and starting to compare it with their life and they want to be like them.
The thought of want to be like somebody else can trigger a negative impact to someone's life. They will always try to be like others and compare their life to others, which then can lead them to insecurities and desperation if it's not achieved.
Therefore, a lot of young people suffer with mental health issues. They want to be like others and forgetting God's original design for them. Why should we feel insecure by being like others while we can feel secure by being our authentic self?
There is a saying that "Be yourself, everyone else is taken". This is true, each of us is born with a unique path of life, talents and most importantly purpose. It's all in one package and interrelated with one another. We can't use our talent according to other people's life. So, live our life authentically based on God's original design for our life. We can learn from other people's life but, stop wanting to be like them!
"Whatever we have in our life, it is what we actually need. Be grateful with what we have."
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